Main Policies

Playaway and Stayaway seek to provide a safe, productive, respectful and enjoyable environment for both staff, attendees and parents. We require all staff to read and understand these policies before each programme and will be required to sign to confirm compliance. For staff who work in PACE you will be familiar with the policies in Pt 1-3 however policies in Pt 4 are unique and should be read in detail. We are keen to find the right balance with our policies given that we only provide 3 weeks of programme a year and any comments or obeservations from staff would be gladly recieved.

The policies are split into 4 Parts. Part 1-3 are general policies and should be familiar to all PACE staff; these policies can be accessed by clicking on the Part number. Part 4 policies and processes have be specifically written for Playaway and Stayaway; these can be accessed individually by clicking on the word Here next to the policy. The policies contained in each part are as follows:


1.      Concerns and Complaints Procedures

2.     Behaviour Management Policy,

3.     Bullying, Physical Intervention and  Recommended Approaches

4.      Health and Safety at Work Policy;

5.     Moving and Handling Policy

6.      Safety Policy and Practice

7.      Health and Hygiene Policy


8.      First Aid Policy

9.      Storage and Administration of Medication

10.   Blood Borne Infection Policy

11.      Risk and Assessment Policy

12.     Confidentiality Policy

13.      Equal Opportunity Policy; Equality and Diversity Policy


14. Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Policy Relating to Physical Access; SEN Policy

15. Security and Key Holders

16. In Case of Fire

 17. Lost Child Policy / Child Not Collected Procedure


18. Playaway Safeguarding Policy Here Specific Hierachy Charts for Stayaway and Playaway are updated every year and a copy is available to each staff member.

19. Safeguarding Checking Process - DBS Here

20. Playaway Whistleblowing 2020-2021 Here